We do not know if there is extraterrestrial life. You can’t logically prove a negative, so unless one shows up in front of the Washington Monument like Michael Rennie in The Day the Earth Stood Still or waves at the Hubble Telescope from the porch of their little alien home on the beach front of their little alien planet we won’t ever know for sure.
But the debate rages nonetheless. Each camp passionately believes in their conclusions – whether it is that the Universe – based on its size – MUST be teeming with life with which we have just not made contact OR in the vast wasteland that is the universe we are just the lucky lottery winners. Most agree on the evidence available but DISagree on the interpretation of that evidence, depending on their frame of reference which in turn depends upon their point of view through which they will filter all of the information they have. For instance, one group may see a blip in the radar and conclude that it MUST be a planet potentially fertile with life. The other side is certain it is merely a glitch in the lens. One hears a rhythmic sound and thrills to the possibility it could be an attempt at communication from another civilization. The other group assumes it is a reflex sound coming from an unseen spinning pulsar.
And so the conversation goes on in healthy fashion, inspiring each side to hone their skills, challenge their preconceived notions and continue to seek for new evidence to support their side of the argument.
Now, let’s pretend that it has become politically correct to ASSUME there is NO life originating from outside the boundaries of our planet. That the barren Wasteland view is the only concept taught in schools, published in textbooks or discussed in polite self-described intellectual circles. And that anyone who even SUGGESTS the possibility of life originating outside our planet is to be derided, freely insulted, humiliated, ignored and looked down upon as hopelessly ignorant or a fool. No more debate, no more healthy self-skepticism from either camp, no more honest research. Because anything that could POSSIBLY be found to contradict the Wasteland theory would be immediately dismissed, no matter how potentially credible. It would be a bit like trying to play tennis by yourself. Your serves would be for naught so your offense would suffer, you would accept no lobs back so your defense would be non-existent, and you would become a pathetic tennis player. Actually you wouldn’t BE a tennis player any more. If you refused any competition then you would simply cease to play and you may as well turn the lights off and go home.
The “debate” over the origin of the universe has become that former player. Any ideas that compete against the theory of Evolution are rejected, any evidence which challenges that secular dogma is dismissed out of hand and all debate has been halted. Any real research has hit the dead end of blind obedience to an unproven theory.
Is Genesis History? turns the lights back on the court and calls challengers back into the game. Del Tackett interviews leading men in their respective fields of geology, marine biology, astronomy and palenotology – all of whom were trained in, steeped in and at one time confined by the limits of the demand that Evolution be the only theory allowed – like some kind of an intellectually biased club into which only the select few were allowed to play. Each has rejected this idea as inadequate, in their estimation, to explain the evidence concerning the beginning of life in the universe and the very coming into existence of the universe itself. By their own admission they are only able to scratch the surface of their findings during the film and invite entry into a deeper study of their scientific findings, citing access to websites and welcoming debate.
Many forget that our current scientific breakthroughs ALL stand on the shoulders of scientists – the vast majority of whom were devout Christians, most Catholics. So to dismiss the idea of Creationism is to dismiss the framework from which MOST of our store of scientific knowledge comes. And without that you are merely memorizing the formulas without really understanding the fundamentals which will allow for truly significant understanding of the concepts.
So — I challenge you to watch this film through to the end INCLUDING the table conference at the end with the interviewees.
Creationists have been forced to recite the Evolutionist's mantra for years as the new age gospel dictated into the school curricula, assumed into everything from commercials to comedy skits and demanded of allegiance – Creationists
are quite familiar with the dicta.  .
As a result the Evolutionists have become intellectually lazy, for which they should chide themselves. Without competition, without self-criticism you will never improve.
Become more intellectually honest. Challenge yourself with Is Genesis History?.

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